Mike Hamers has acquired a unique set of skills through a variety of creative endeavors in both the Commercial and Fine Art worlds.
Upon graduating with a degree in Commercial Art, Mike went straight to work for Allis-Chalmers in West Allis, WI. He was trained in the art technical illustration-creating exploded views and cutaways of the agricultural and lawn equipment. Years later, Mike went to work for Harley-Davidson.This was during the transformation when Harley went from the verge of bankruptcy and extinction, to its subsequent turnaround, rebound, and meteoric rise. They became one of America’s greatest success stories and an iconic global brand leader.
To satisfy his creative side, Mike attended night classes at the university in Art History and Printmaking. There he studied stone lithography with a Master Tamarind Printer.
In 1986, Mike had the opportunity to move to Boulder, CO to work for Ball Aerospace. The projects there were very exciting, including: infrared telescopes, laser communication devices, three concepts for the 9-ft bearings to rotate the solar panels on the future International Space Station, and the RME Relay Mirror Experiment (missile tracking array).
In the 1990 the technology industry was shaken to its core with the disruptive technologies of CAD and desktop computers. Soon many technical illustrators were laid off-including Mike.
The timing was right to launch his own design studio named Lightspeed Commercial Arts. Through Lightspeed, Mike created a team focused on logo design, brochures and direct mail. Websites were still on the horizon.
Over time, the marketplace and design community recognized their work and honored Mike with 43 national and international “Awards of Excel ence” and “Best of Category Awards” for Logo Design as well as for Photography, Comsumer Packaging, Typography, Environmental Graphics, Logo Usage Guide, and Publication Design.
Mike has an exclusive contract with the Univ. of CO’s School of Engineering and Advanced Science where he works with professors and researchers to create graphics in the areas of nanotechnology, micro and nano-scale medical devices, fuel efficiency, microchips, earthquakes and climate studies, memory & Alzeheimers, and much more.
Additionally, Mike loves creating airbrush watercolor paintings and fine art photography. In 2019 he published his first photography book called “Walking With Rumi”. It contains 100 photos carefully paired with 100 poems and 70 sayings by the Sufi mystic known as Rumi.
Mike is also an active member of Boulder Open Studios Tour, the NoBo Art District, and Boulder Art Association.

Mike Hamers: author, designer, illustrator, photographer, and publisher